Products Products we have created over the years that you can use to get back online.
image SLabel Presenting SLabel: Empowering Swift and Seamless Object Labeling. Crafted with a fusion of elegance and efficiency, this advanced tool, fortified with AI capabilities, swiftly annotates objects with unparalleled speed and precision, catering to users of all proficiencies.
Streamlined and Effortless Optimal Object Annotation Expedited: Elevate Efficiency with Precision Labeling. image This user-friendly tool offers expeditious utility, meticulously crafted for effortless single-handed operation. A comprehensive array of features lies elegantly within easy reach, facilitating seamless accessibility to all essential functions.
image Explore the Features - Cross-Platform Compatibility: Works seamlessly on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- AI-Powered Labeling: Automate the labeling process effortlessly with the power of AI.
- Flexible Export Options: Export your labels in a variety of formats, including JSON, XML, and CSV.
- YOLO Model Support: Easily create configurations files for YOLO models.
Get for Free Now! We publish our products on the GitHub. You can download our products for free and start using them today.